792 research outputs found

    Impact of grade retention and school engagement on student intentions to enrol in higher education in Portugal

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    Grade retention and inequalities that derive from grade retention can influence student school trajectories and careers. Grade retention can discourage students from education, and increase school failure and dropout. This study explored the relationship between grade retention and student intentions to enrol in higher education. We also studied the role of school identification and behavioural engagement in this relationship. The analysis is based on a sample of 1,089 students (grades 6 to 10) from Portugal, one of the European countries with the highest rates of grade retention. We employed multilevel probit regression modelling with random intercept and fixed slopes to explore both the individual and school level effects of grade retention. The analyses showed that retained students had a lower probability of intent to enrol in higher education and that there was a contextual effect of the number of retained students in the school, on students' probability of intent to enrol in higher education. This association was partially explained at the individual level by students' school identification. Retained students presented lower levels of school identification, which in turn results in lower probabilities of enrolling in higher education. Student behavioural engagement was not associated with grade retention nor student intentions. Our findings suggest the need for interventions that foster students' school identification to overcome the adverse effects of grade retention.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adoção por homossexuais

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    Procuram-se identificar as possibilidades jurídicas da adoção por homossexuais, tendo como principal foco a criança ou adolescente adotada nestas circunstâncias especiais. Para melhor compreensão do tema, a primeira parte volta-se à análise da evolução histórica do núcleo familiar, verificando os benefícios no desenvolvimento psicológico e social dos indivíduos ao serem adotados por homossexuais, além de identificar os mitos quanto ao seu crescimento em um ambiente diferente daquele considerado socialmente convencional. Na segunda parte é estudada a legislação pertinente ao tema, principalmente (i) na Constituição Federal de 1988, (ii) no Código Civil de 2002, (iii) o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, (iv) as propostas de modificação na legislação esparsa, e (v) a análise de exemplos estrangeiros. A terceira parte dedica-se à demonstração, não exaustiva, que a adoção por uma dupla homossexual só apresenta benefícios e soluções ao problema social das crianças abandonadas nas ruas e orfanatos, uma tendência timidamente concretizada em alguns tribunais brasileiros

    Capturing Budget Impact Considerations Within Economic Evaluations: A Systematic Review of Economic Evaluations of Rotavirus Vaccine in Low- and Middle-Income Countries and a Proposed Assessment Framework.

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    BACKGROUND: In low- and middle-income countries, budget impact is an important criterion for funding new interventions, particularly for large public health investments such as new vaccines. However, budget impact analyses remain less frequently conducted and less well researched than cost-effectiveness analyses. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to fill the gap in research on budget impact analyses by assessing (1) the quality of stand-alone budget impact analyses, and (2) the feasibility of extending cost-effectiveness analyses to capture budget impact. METHODS: We developed a budget impact analysis checklist and scoring system for budget impact analyses, which we then adapted for cost-effectiveness analyses, based on current International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Task Force recommendations. We applied both budget impact analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis checklists and scoring systems to examine the extent to which existing economic evaluations provide sufficient evidence about budget impact to enable decision making. We used rotavirus vaccination as an illustrative case in which low- and middle-income countries uptake has been limited despite demonstrated cost effectiveness. A systematic literature review was conducted to identify economic evaluations of rotavirus vaccine in low- and middle-income countries published between January 2000 and February 2017. We critically appraised the quality of budget impact analyses, and assessed the extension of cost-effectiveness analyses to provide useful budget impact information. RESULTS: Six budget impact analyses and 60 cost-effectiveness analyses were identified. Budget impact analyses adhered to most International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research recommendations, with key exceptions being provision of undiscounted financial streams for each budget period and model validation. Most cost-effectiveness analyses could not be extended to provide useful budget impact information; cost-effectiveness analyses also rarely presented undiscounted annual costs, or estimated financial streams during the first years of programme scale-up. CONCLUSIONS: Cost-effectiveness analyses vastly outnumber budget impact analyses of rotavirus vaccination, despite both being critical for policy decision making. Straightforward changes to the presentation of cost-effectiveness analyses results could facilitate their adaptation into budget impact analyses

    Quality of High-protein Diet Bar Plus Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) Grain Evaluated Sensorially by Untrained Tasters

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    The objective of this study was to develop, analyze composition and evaluate the microbiological and sensory characteristics of high-protein diet bars (PB) with the addition of chia grain (Salvia hispanica L.), partially replacing isolated soy protein and concentrated whey protein, in proportions of 0, 10, 15 and 20%. The proximate composition was analyzed of PB, for microbiological quality of Bacillus cereus, Filamentous fungi and yeast count, total fecal coliforms, and Salmonella ssp. search. Sensory analysis was performed utilizing acceptance testing of characteristics on a nine-point hedonic scale for various attributes, including purchasing intention of the tested PB. Bars showed 20% moisture, 2.3% ash, 20-23% protein and 19% lipids. The effect of increasing of chia was to increase crude fiber content and decrease total carbohydrate and total energy value. All samples were within the microbiological food standards established by current legislation. All PB formulations obtained a good overall impression index and all characteristics were above mean grades, with the exception of taste (63%) in the PB containing 0% chia. Chia grain has a positive influence on sensory aspects and appears to be an alternative way to increase the nutritional quality of high-protein diet bars

    Impact of salt crystal size on in-mouth delivery of sodium and saltiness perception from snack foods

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    Fried, sliced potato crisps were flavored with sodium chloride of varying size fractions to investigate the impact of salt crystal size on the delivery rate of sodium to the tongue and resultant saltiness, measured over 65 s with a defined chew protocol (three chews, then holding the bolus in the mouth without swallowing). Salt crystal size impacted upon the delivery rate and perceived saltiness. The smallest crystal size fraction dissolved and diffused throughout the mouth to the tongue saliva faster than the medium and the largest ones; the smallest crystal size fraction also had the highest maximum concentration and greatest total sodium. These results correlated well with the sensory perceived saltiness, where the smallest crystal size fraction resulted in the fastest Tmax, highest maximum saltiness intensity and maximum total saltiness. The different delivery rates can be explained by differential dissolution kinetics and enhanced mass transfer of sodium across the saliva

    Utilizing livestock risk protection (LRP) for feeder cattle

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    The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service periodically issues revisions to its publications. The most current edition is made available. For access to an earlier edition, if available for this title, please contact the Oklahoma State University Library Archives by email at [email protected] or by phone at 405-744-6311


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    Este estudo sobre: Alimentação e Nutrição Saudável têm como objetivo a divulgação e informaçãosobre a Educação Alimentar e Nutricional – EAN. A metodologia é de revisão bibliográfica,pesquisa ação e participativa a partir de questionário aberto. A partir do Curso de EducaçãoAlimentar e Nutricional ofertado pela Secretaria da Educação do Governo de Estado de SantaCatarina - SC. Os e as estudantes estão sendo envolvido nas atividades na Escola de EducaçãoBásica Hercílio Deeke - Bairro da Velha Central, Blumenau – SC – 15ª GERED – Secretária daEducação do Estado de SC. Perguntas da Enquete: a- Cite algum alimento consideradocaracterístico da região? Qual (quais)? b- Qual é a forma mais usual de consumo deste(s)alimento(s)? In natura, ou em preparações culinárias? (Se utilizado em preparação culinária, cite oprato preparado) c- Em qual época do ano (verão/inverno) esta preparação culinária é elaboradacom mais frequência? d- Existe em sua região alguma preparação culinária (receita) queantepassados preparavam mas que atualmente não é mais preparada, ou é preparada raramente? e-Existe em sua região algum prato considerado típico? f- Cite algum alimento ou preparaçãoculinária que você gostaria que fosse ofertada na alimentação escolar. Os resultados obtidos sãoparciais dos 515 estudantes do Ensino Médio, foram entrevistados (70) setenta alunos (as), no qual:40 % das responderam que consomem algum tipo de Ultraprocessados (Industrializados); 35 %Processados (Preparados) e 25 % responderam que se alimentam de (frutas e verduras) In Natura.Considerações: Observa-se o envolvimento da comunidade escolar na busca de uma alimentação enutrição in natura, moderando os alimentos processados e evitando os produtos industrializados. Aescola tem um papel importante na informação sobre os alimentos saudáveis e o ambiente escolar épropicio da escolha autônoma de alimentos saudáveis de maneira espontânea e assim construindouma cultura de alimentação e nutrição saudável

    A implementação da Musicoterapia como cuidado paliativo de enfermagem durante o tratamento de pacientes acometidos pelo câncer

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    The aim was to investigate the benefits derived from the implementation of music therapy palliative care in patients diagnosed with neoplasms. This is exploratory bibliographic research where the databases used were: LILACS, MedLine, magazines and books using keywords such as: "cancer", "music therapy", "music", "palliative care", “psychology”, “musicotherapy”, “mental health”, through treatments suggests the possibility of applying musical interventions, during clinical treatment, to reduce psycho-emotional issues such as anxiety disorders, depression, and panic attacks. The results obtained in the research indicate that Music Therapy helps in the process of recovery and cure of the disease and in the emotional therapy of patients who used the described care. It is concluded that Music Therapy is one of the best palliative care to be implemented for patients affected by cancer.Objetivou-se investigar os benefícios derivados da implementação do cuidado paliativo Musicoterápico em pacientes com Diagnóstico de Neoplasias. Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica de caráter exploratório onde as bases de dados utilizadas foram: LILACS, MedLine, revistas e livros através do uso de palavras chaves como: “câncer”, “musicoterapia”, “música”, “cuidados paliativos”, “psicologia”, “musicoterapy”, “mental health”, mediante aos tratamentos sugere a possibilidade de aplicar meios de intervenções musicais, no decorrer do tratamento clínico, para reduzir as questões psicoemocionais como transtornos de ansiedade, depressão e ataques de pânico. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa designam-se que a Musicoterapia auxilia no processo de recuperação e cura da doença e na terapia emocional dos pacientes que fizeram uso do cuidado descrito. Conclui-se que a Musicoterapia é um dos melhores cuidados paliativos a serem implementados para os pacientes acometidos pelo Câncer

    Bilateral Anophthalmia in Feline

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    Background: Anophthalmia is a rare, congenital condition, defined as the complete absence of the eye bulb due to inadequate growth of the vesicle or optic dome. The malformation can be primary (in the absence of complete), secondary (in the presence of only residual tissue), or degenerative (in which the eye begins to form, but for some reason, it begins to degenerate). This condition is rare in dogs, cats, cattle, and sheep. Microscopic evaluation of orbital tissue for identification is always recommended. The aim of this study was to report a case of bilateral anophthalmia in a domestic cat.Case: A feline male, healthy, Maine Coon breed with 60 days of life was attended at the one veterinary private clinic. The cat, negative for FIV and FeLV, was born in a commercial cattery, belonging to his mother's third litter, healthy litter with the exception of this feline. He arrived with a complaint of not opening his eyelids, like the rest of the litter. In the clinical examination, it was found the normality of vital signs, absence of other visible anatomical abnormalities, only the ocular region was observed with closed eyelids. The initial suspicions were anophthalmia and microphthalmia. The patient was referred for an ocular ultrasound, which showed the complete absence of the right and left eye bulbs. The right and left orbital cavities had only a volume of soft, amorphous, and predominantly homogeneous tissue. After the ultrasound report, the patient underwent a surgical procedure to remove a fragment of tissue from the eye socket, which was sent for histopathological examination to confirm anophthalmia and discard the differential diagnosis of microphthalmia. Microscopy revealed immature, epithelial, and glandular tissue in the middle of discrete and moderate connective tissue, loosely arranged. In some fragments, cartilaginous tissue was also revealed. Thus, the histological findings are compatible with immature, pseudoformed tissues and without neoplastic characteristics. The diagnosis of secondary anophthalmia was reached with use of ultrasound and histological reports.Discussion: Congenital malformations in domestic cats are less frequent than in dogs, some of which are rare, and little reported. Secondary anophthalmia in the reported patient was confirmed by histological and ultrasound examination. Bilateral secondary anophthalmia is characterized by the absence of the eyeball, but with the presence of adjacent tissue. The animal was submitted to an ocular ultrasound examination and the complete absence of ocular bulbs was found. The differential diagnosis of microphthalmia was ruled out because there was no evidence of the eyeball. Microphthalmia is a common congenital ophthalmic disorder in veterinary medicine. Representative fragments were submitted to histopathological examination, where immature, epithelial tissue was found. In some fragments sent for analysis, cartilaginous tissue was observed. The histological findings are compatible with immature, pseudoformed tissues, thus verifying bilateral congenital anophthalmia in the reported animal. The clinical examination in these cases serves to ensure that the animal does not have any other congenital changes, allowing a favorable prognosis in puppies. Based on the information presented, the animal in this study has bilateral secondary congenital anophthalmia, with a favorable prognosis for the patient to live with certain normality, with quality and well-being